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Coffee is one beverage that is already known to all people throughout the world.Almost everyone never feel it until there is an addiction.Many coffee lovers have the perception of coffee they drink is safe for the health of his body even has benefits such as making the body becomes fresh, eager to eliminate fatigue.According coffee researcher from the Bogor Agricultural Institute, Ade Wachjar mention there are several coffee perceived benefits such as blood circulation, inhibit free radicals to stabilize the heartbeat with a note of origin in the consumption of doses adequate and not excessive.
Problems often arise for coffee lovers is to drink it too often with a dose that is not appropriate.Caffeine is in coffee is the originator increased gastric acid.Increased stomach acid upwards to pass through the stomach area can cause irritation of the upper hull above the organ is the esophagus.Therefore diseases caused due to increased gastric acid up upwards towards the esophagus is called GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease).Irritation of the esophagus that occur in this area which will manifest as heartburn, a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, shortness of up kedada until a bitter taste in the mouth.The initial signs that we can feel when we boarded the stomach acid such as frequent belching, abdominal full flavor until curiosity nausea and vomiting.
Basically most of the coffee you drink acidic pH is between 5-5.5.This has also led to increased gastric acid in the body.Until now undiscovered natural coffee types that have a slightly acidic pH with minimal caffeine.But some researchers have agreed that the Arabica coffee is safer to drink at the risk of gastric acid compared to robusta coffee.As for those who really want to enjoy the coffee safely contained caffeine-free coffee types thatdecaffeinated coffee, or better known as decaf coffee or coffee that has been decaffeinated.Negari abroad as Uncle Sam and Queen Elisabeth, the demand for coffee is rising rapidly.The people there are already aware of their own health while still want to take in benefits than coffee.Different in Indonesia because the coffee is not popular because it requires infrastructure that is not easy.Hopefully in the future we can be conscious about the health of our bodies by drinking coffee can still safely without damaging the hull.
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